Tuesday, 6 April 2021

NaPoWriMo - Day 6

 Day 6 prompt - Go to a book you love. Find a short line that strikes you. Make that line the title of your poem. Write a poem inspired by the line. Then, after you’ve finished, change the title completely.

I chose The Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson. One very short sentence in the book reads "Two very poor choices.." (as an aside there are a multitude of poor choices made by the main character in this book...)

I'm not as happy with this poem so I may re-work it when I have more time. I'm finding it challenging writing a poem every day after not writing much for so long. Some days it comes to me, and other days I struggle - like today.

Impossible Decisions

They tell you not to worry
    then encourage you to hurry
    while the edges become blurry 
The stress is all consuming
when your choices leave you fuming

I tried to take it slow, to ease the quick tempo
But all around
        the lines kept moving
                situations not improving

Torn between the options
    where none of them feel right
trapped upon an endless path
    as daylight turns to night

Alternatives will soon expire
do I choose the frying pan 
        or fire?



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