Wednesday, 20 April 2022

NaPoWriMo 2022 - Day 20

 April 20, 2022 - write a poem that anthropomorphizes a kind of food. 

Lines that Bind

A gem of a day
warm enough
that I shuck my jacket
cool enough
that beads of perspiration
don't blind me
as I cast and reel
            cast and reel

The rod dips sharply
and my line quickly feeds out

It's a perfect fight
but I finally exhaust
my prey

As I reel in
I see submission 
        and surrender
as the fish yields to the line's tautness
it's eyes close 
    in a heartbreaking show of defeat

The win feels shallow

As I release my dinner, it glances back 
The smug look seems to say
"works every time"

("Fish are friends, not food." - If you know, you know :)

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