Friday, 13 May 2011


Getting together with the girls for a glass of wine* is a wonderful thing. Unlike guys girls just don’t say, “Let’s hang out and drink beer.” Although I have many friends with whom I thoroughly enjoy quaffing back a beer or two, I do like the pretense of class (I say “pretense” because I don’t consider myself very refined or elegant) and holding a wine glass gives me that. Why does it seem to evoke visions of women in classy dresses smiling and laughing together?

And to be honest, it’s never just “a glass of wine”. If the bottle is open, it’s likely going to be empty by the time we are finished**. Now don’t get me wrong – it’s not as if we can’t sit and talk without alcohol.
We’ve done that many times over Gatorade after a race or coffee after a bike ride. But the act of purposely getting together for a glass of wine gives the gathering a sense of purpose.

More often than not for me, getting together for a glass of wine with a girlfriend(s) translates into, “I need to vent, let’s crack open a bottle of red spill our guts.” There’s nothing more comforting than sitting around with like-minded individuals, who know that you care about what they have to say, will listen to what’s on your mind and, more importantly, won’t judge you for any of it. I think that’s the crux. It’s a safe environment filled with trust friendship and the wine just adds another layer on top.

We don’t necessarily solve the world’s problems during these get-togethers, or even solve our own, although we do spread the wealth of good news, air our dirty laundry and contribute suggestions to get through the rough spots.

And as if we need more ammunition to drink wine, studies show that red wine is a wonder drug that leads to better sex, makes you smart, and keeps you thin. What more could a woman ask?

I cherish times like this. They are most often spontaneous, but in some instances may involve a bit of planning to accommodate all of our crazy schedules (training, kids, work, family). Regardless of how we do it, it’s worth it when you’re with friends.

(*substitute gin for wine if you wish, Bombay Sapphire to be specific)
(** if you have substituted gin for wine here please be advised that unless there are over 10 of us, or we have an 8oz bottle, it won’t be emptied – we aren’t crazy!)

1 comment:

Kim said...

Ha! Missed this one. Don't know how.. But yes, all true.