Wednesday 11 August 2010

Someone Likes Me...:)

I was recently bestowed the title of “Versatile Blogger Award” by fellow blogger and very good friend, Kim. I was both honoured and humbled by such a designate.

Being the curious sort I am, I decided to research the origin of this award. After pages and pages of blog links with the same designate I’ve come to the conclusion that if there is an origin, it is lost somewhere in the multitude of cyberspace bloggers. My personal take is that this was invented by another blogger as a cool way of promoting other people’s blogs, many of whom wouldn’t get the exposure if not for this award. I know just from linking to Kim’s awards I have added new “Blogs I Follow” to my favourites. And when it comes down to it, there is nothing in the world more satisifying that a peer-bestowed award.

I started blogging as a method of releasing frustration and stress, and it morphed into a way of sharing thoughts and ideas with friends and strangers alike. There are no common themes to what I write, or why I write it. Thoughts come to me and suddenly an idea for a blog is blooming in my brain. Down it goes. One day I’m talking about clotheslines and the next I’m delving deeply into the personal. I never started writing because I hoped everyone would read and hang on my next word…in fact, I know I have very few readers. The few people who comment are usually the same people, and they have been tipped off (usually by me) that a new posting has gone up. If others are reading, then they certainly aren’t letting me know. I did try the stats link that Kim mentioned and it was interesting in that after the big two (Canada and the United States) my next largest “following” – I use the term loosely, comes from the Netherlands. I’ve also had a few hits from China , Germany and Denmark.( I’m assuming the last three were just accidental hits and when they realized what they got, closed the link immediately ;)

So, to accept the “Versatile Blogger Award” I have to do the following four things:

1. Thank the one who gave me this award.
Thank you Kim. In the short year we have known each other we have discovered a closeness that normally takes years to nurture and cultivate. If people want to know what Kim is like, they just have to read her blog.  She is like that in real life. She doesn’t hide behind polished words and carefully rearranged paragraphs. She isn’t afraid to talk about anything and this makes many of her postings so real, and sometimes very raw, and more than once a blog entry of mine has been directly related to something she wrote that got me thinking.

2. Share seven things about myself.
These are random and in no particular order:

1. I am a mother, a lover, a friend and a dreamer.
2. I hate sitting idle and therefore carry a crossword book and a notebook with me almost everywhere I go.
3. At 46 I am happier, fitter, more fulfilled and loved than I have been at any other time in my life.
4. I have a secret crush on the Old Spice Man (but not secret anymore).
5. I hesitate over the “publish post” button each time I write about something new. I never know when someone is going to misconstrue what I write and attack me for it (it’s happened before).
6. I like to play like a boy, but smell like a girl.
7. Aside from the necessities in life I could not live without books…My Kingdom for a book!

3. Present this honour onto 15 ( I don’t have time to read that many – here’s seven, though not new in the sense of the word, I try to follow on a fairly regular basis as well as Kim’s which I’ve linked to above) newly discovered bloggers.  -->  Pam blogs/blogged about travelling the world. If anyone is at all inclined to travel anywhere, chances are Pam’s been there and has written quirkily about it. She has a huge following and writes with a flair I can only dream of.  -->  Cathy’s tongue-in-cheek relentless pursuit of excellence in running. She is loyally dedicated to her sport and to the beverages that are consumed after a long run.  -->  Andrea is a strong, brave, classy and enduring cyclist. I want to be like her when I grow up.  -->  Ian writes an eclectic mix - the simple and not-so-simple life in rural Manitoba, breeding all sorts of living creatures, fixing things that most people would have long given up on. His perspective on life is unique and I love the ‘randomness’ of his blog. You never know what you are going to get next!  -->  Kelodie is unwavering in her quest to become a better runner and triathlete. She is tough stuff and reading her training and race reports inspires me to no end.  -->  Dale is a new father and aspiring ultra runner who has just completed his first 50 miler. He juggles family, training and work and still manages to retain a sense of humour.  --> ”Peggy” lives and works in downtown Winnipeg and writes about the latest happening, the places to shop, eat, listen and to be seen.

4. Drop by and let my fifteen new friends know I love them.


It's just me said...

Funny how we follow the same blogs...except Peggy...I don't get the whole Downtown Peggy thing.

Kim said...

Good choices. I hope to check out some of the many that you suggest. Now that I am back in the real world, that is. Your honour was well earned

Kinthelt said...

I need to read my blog comments more. Thanks for bestowing me the title. :)